Monday, November 14, 2011


One of the fears that inhibit would-be public speakers is the fear of forgetting something they wanted to say, or stumbling over something.  This is precisely what happened to Governor Rick Perry at last week's Republican Debate: He forgot one of the agencies that he would eliminate, the EPA.  Tiny, three-letter acronym.  The media made a hoopla out of it, talking about it at nauseum, trying to "show him up" as a less-than-perfect candidate, despite all his bluster.  But in the end, what happened?  Nothing.  A big nothing.  Rick Perry recovered at the subsequent debate by joking about that slip, and his standing in the poles did not suffer because of it.

So, the next time you are afraid of something like this happening to you, remember that it is of no consequence in and of itself.  It happens to the most experienced speakers.  It may happen to you, and so what?  Do not allow your confidence to be diminished by such inconsequential slips.

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